Another day in Paradise!

Another day in Paradise!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I can not believe I have been neglecting my duties as a blogger

So I have been a slacker. I will admit I get wrapped up in that stupid Facebook. I know I shouldn't but I do. So anywho. I have been put off work due to an injury. Calm down not a bad injury but one that keeps me from actually working 100%.
So I have decided I am going to do a few projects that I've so wanted to try.
First off I want to make my children quilts for Christmas. We will see how that goes.
Second, I have decided to go Green with laundry detergent. Can I say I just love love love my homemade laundry detergent. My clothes feel so much cleaner. I have not realized what a big difference it makes. My next this house. UGH!
Anyone have any ideas for me to do so that I can get out of cleaning the house?????
Well the blog is going to be short....Levi wants Peanut Butter and JELLLLLLLLY as he says!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hoarders has nothing on me.

So I decided that this weekend was going to be about organization. Yes, that is what I said! SAY IT WITH ME: OR-GAN-I-ZA-TION! See very good!
Well I had taken an extra day off so that the hubby & I could take a quick getaway but he failed miserably in letting me know that our friends had postponed.
UGH! I hate not being organized and thrown off. But I figured "Well it's high time I start getting this house in order" after all I am now couponing and need room.
This home is a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom with lots of nooks and crannies that we have all so well found.
I really do believe it's a race to see who can stash their crap there first and you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be the first to complain that something has been crammed somewhere cause after all........
that could have been my nook and cranny!
Well I decided to hit it hard in the kitchen.
OMG can you say "HOLY HOARDER!" Yep! I'm a hoarder. Not just any hoarder. One of those ones that keeps anything and everything.
Not only am I a hoarder but I'm a type of person that if I can't find it, then screw it I'll just run to the store and buy new.
Well guess what that means? Yep you guessed it: It means I end up with 15 boxes of Tea....yes they maybe different boxes but some of them are repeats. I don't drink tea every day, in fact I only drink it during the summer. Guess I will be drinking my tea more often.
That's not it.
Coffee mugs....REALLY? Who has 40 coffee mugs? Why would I need 40 coffee mugs? Not just coffee mugs but I guess I mean coffee cups.
Now that is just the beginning.....
The flour....the brown sugar.....the Grill Mates seasoning....the Worchestire Sauce....You guessed it...I bought it, shoved it into a cupboard, when I went to go get it and thought to myself "I know I bought a bottle of Worchestire Sauce. I know I did".
Conversation on any given day at our house with me and the hubby"
Honey! Can you run to the store for me?
Yes Dear! What do you need?
Worchestire Sauce
I thought we had a bottle?
I Can't find it!
Ok, let me get my shoes on.
So hubby runs to the store.....(very good man) and picks up some Worchestire Sauce. But then sees a bottle of Grill Mates that he loves so much and comes home.
Honey, I bought 2 bottles so we don't run out, oh and they had this new Grill Mate I wanted to try.
Ok thanks....
And WALLA.....that is how we end up with 4 bottles. Because we did this game probably 2 months earlier.
AND that is how we become HOARDERS!
Needless to say 10 hrs. of cleaning out cupboards, rearranging and putting extras of everything in my storage I do not need to buy: Mushrooms, Worchestire Sauce, BBQ Sauce, Grill Mates, Flour, Brown Sugar, Pudding, every envelope made for fajitas, ranch dressing, etc.....
Hoarders the show has nothing on this girl...
But guess what? My cupboards are GORGEOUS!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentines Craft for my baby boy's 1st Valentines exchange

So today I find out that Valentine exchange is tomorrow for my 3 year old at daycare.
Well so I had to skip sleeping before work and this is the creation.
I just love them sooooo much. They are so cute. The pic isn't very good but I took it with my phone.
I whipped these babies up in about 30 minutes. Cut, glued and Levi stuffed. Love Love Love them.
Stay tuned for my next project.
These little containers could be used for baby shower gifts, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc.
Enjoy..... When I have a minute I will do a tutorial.... So simple...
Yes I stole this idea but I don't remember who I stole them from so I can't even give the proper credit to. So if you may know feel free to add to the comments who deserves the credit.
These are just awesome gift containers... And stinking cute!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My face is as smooth as a baby's bottom:)

So I went to my laser hair removal today and I was kind of nervous. But it wasn't bad at all. I go back in 4 weeks but the results from today are amazing.
My face is as smooth as a baby's bottom.
I'm absolutely ecstatic.
So ZZ TOP don't worry no competition from this girl!

I'm getting old & have a goat beard! Seriously but I'm taking care of business!

So, growing up I remember my mother plucking hairs from her chin. I use to think "How gross & how weird".
Well as the saying goes "I've turned into my mother!"
Yep you guessed it.......... I've found myself sitting on my couch with a 10X Magnifying mirror plucking the ungawdly GOAT HAIRS from my chin! WTH I SAY?
Lately I have felt like I'm aging faster than Nascar's driving the INDY 500!
I wake up every morning and look into the mirror and find newly grown hairs on my face, crows feet and a wonderful frown line on my forehead.
I refuse Botox or Surgery on the face, but feel the need to fix this horrible face that is aging beyond it's years (I'm only 38 years young....o.k. ok. o.k.... I will be 39 in April but that doesn't mean I should be looking 90)
So back in December I wake up one morning and find myself in front of the mirror once again..... realizing I'm starting to scare myself on a daily basis by how much I'm beginning to age.
Well my mind starts running and later in the evening I have a client show up to get her eyelash extensions. I asked her to walk into my restroom and wash her makeup off. As I request from all clients. She walks back out and she still has her makeup on and she looks amazing. I tell her politely "Ummm you have to wash it all off, sorry" She tells me "It is all off I have my eyebrows and eyeliner tattooed".
Now my mind is going, this lady is an amazingly beautiful woman and always looks put together, she is probably old enough to be my mother and I have now decided I'm going to tattoo my eyeliner so that I can have the same benefits of being a quarter of the beauty she exudes!
So last week on Saturday I went and got my eyeliner tattooed and I'm absolutely thrilled beyond belief at the difference it has made in the way I wake up looking in the morning.
My hair is standing on end but my eyes are shining! YEE HAW! Best $300 investment I have ever made!~
Now to take care of the goat hairs...... I'm tired of the blotchy beard! Now if it was a full beard that maybe something I may consider but it's patchy.....
So tomorrow or should I say today at 11 a.m. I'm taking my trip to Mindful Women to get my face lasered and remove my facial hair from my face.
Let me tell you, I've had this appointement for 2 weeks and I was told under no uncertain terms am I allowed to wax or pluck!
Hello! What am I suppose to do? Let the damn thing grow out so I can have a ZZ Top I ask?
No honey she says... they have facial razors for women that will not give razor burns.
Well needless to say it's been the longest two weeks of my life not being able to do something about the goat beard but in 10 1/2 hours I will start my first of 6 laser hair removal treatments!
Can you say "Hallaluah" with me! Yee haw!
Stay tuned for my experience of laser hair removal to be posted....
Let us pray together that I don't have a laser malfunction and something goes terribly wrong.  I'm doing my whole face.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 days off and moving right along

Well here it is day 5 off and still haven't managed to run but let me tell you what I have done.......
As some of you may know I am a jack of all trades. Yessum I am! Well I haven't done any candle making for quite some time but I was able to put down 46 blocks of wax!
Scentsy move over baby my freaking candles are the bomb! I love my soy wax candles. They are so fresh smelling. Today I produced the following scents:
1)Coconut Verbena Lime
2) Strawberry Jam
3) Baby Powder
4) Citrus Sage
5) Mediterranean Fig
MMMMMM my house has a nice mixture of it all. Probably stinks like butt in here but a good smelling one.
I have some scented bears I need to whip out by Thursday to take to Preston for some of my girls over there.
Whew! I was kind of a little busy bee today. I was able to get a fill on the eyelash extensions for one of my clients, took me and the baby to the Dr.'s and that was quite entertaining, whipped out the wickless candles, got my allergy shots, picked up RX's, picked Eric up in Plain City, grabbed dinner, went to Walmart to find some cute cute card stock for my cute cute new idea I'm making for friends for V-Day and I finally got to eat some grub (cold but filling), oh and talked some more to Eric's uncle Todd in Alaska about the Nook I'm going to buy. It is official the Nook Color should hopefully be in my hands by Friday. Holy Moly Macaroni do I have anymore time in this day cause I need about 6 extra hours to squeeze in some watch bands I need to make. Oh well I guess it was an ok day.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I need to focus

Well here it is January 16th and I haven't really gotten focused like I had anticipated.
Things have been absolutely crazy. But also slowed down alot to the point I'm lost and confused.
So now that life has come to a bit of a stand still I have been focusing on trying to get my hind end in gear and start running again.
Mainly because ummmmm the eating habits have become out of control.
I feel like one of those juicer *thingamajigs* that you just put the food in of large quantities and when you look inside through the clear container there is maybe an ounce of fluid in there. Well I'm believing that is what has happened to me. I put in the food and it is only an ounce in the tummy so I think I need to eat beyond no return.
My ADHD is absolutely running rampant. (as you can tell because I'm jumping from idea to idea anymore). I begin to think I'm going to go run but then I realize I need to go throw a load of laundry in the wash, so I walk into my bedroom and see that my bed isn't made, so I begin to make it and I realize I haven't heard Levi in a minute or two, so I stop making the bed and go look for Levi, I pass him playing in the hallway (which I had past him when I went into make my bed) and decide to load the dishwasher, get the dishes unloaded and start to load the dishes and realize that I haven't got my bonus points for Bejeweled today so I walk over to the computer and log onto FB and see I have a hundred notifications and then I start seeing all the responses I had and just as I click to see what someone wrote on my wall, I notice that Jane Doe's birthday is today, Oh shoot click the back button and see that I have another notification and someone just made a funny post on their status and I just have to respond to that status cause that is some funny junk there. LMAO Whew that girl is one funny chica, ok....where was I? Hmmmm oh look at that picture that Sally Sue just posted "OMG that girl just gets more beautiful with age and look at the wench she is as skinny as all get out...Uh huh!"...Oh that reminds me I was going to go run, I log off and I walk into my bedroom to get my running shoes on and realize I need to finish making my bed, I'm grabbing the pillows off the floor to stack them back on the bed, when I see wrappers on the floor that need to be thrown in the garbage, pick them up and go to walk into the kitchen to throw them away and realize "Hmmmm well maybe the garbage in my bathroom needs to be emptied, heck I will just empty all the garbages now that I'm thinking about it, then I walk into the bathroom and realize that sink is filthy, I throw that wrapper I found on the floor in the garbage and start to clear off the bathroom sink when I notice that Kylee's brush is in my bathroom...thinking to myself "That girl has been in my bathroom I wonder what she stole, I decide I'm going to investigate and go into her room and check to see if she has anything in her bedroom, I walk downstairs and walk into her bedroom when I see a million cups and plates lying around, I pick up the cups and plates and take them upstairs and put them in the sink, when I realize I need to make Levi lunch cause it's lunch time. I go get Levi make him lunch and realize I can finish those dishes I started while he is eating because I don't like leaving him alone while he eats because he might choke. So I make him lunch and realize I've really slacked because here it is 2 p.m. and I'm just getting lunch ready and Eric should be home by 6 so I'll start thawing meat out for dinner while Levi is eating. So I get Levi his lunch and look at the computer and I'm still logged onto FB and I realize oh shoot I haven't got my bonus points from Bejeweled so I sit down and click on Bejeweled and I need to wait 30 more minutes before I can play the bonus round. But look at what Mary Beth posted how cute she got her a new kitten. Ahhhhh! Oh and look at that wench UGH I can't stand that Paris O' she is a pompus biocth I've tried a million times to delete her and she re-requests me! Ugh I wish I was mean enough to just send her a message and tell her that I can't stand her and I know that the only reason why she is even got me on her friends list is so she can LURK and make snide comments behind my back cause everyone she comments to is telling me. Hmmm I want to see these trip pics that she posted with her hubby. Oh look at her thinking she is all hot in that cute outfit she is wearing. Little does she know she has a big old zit on her chin that is oozing with needing to be popped, she thinks she is just the sheetz! Ugh I have to get off her pics cause she makes me sick. Oh wait I can hide her that is what I will do. I will hide her. Go down and hide her. Oh look someone posted they just were offering bonus chips so I'm collecting "Holla".
Oh dang it it's 4:30 Eric should be home. I better get off FB, go run out to the deep freeze and grab so burger (you can throw anything together with ground beef).
Well Eric walks in at 5:15 and asks "So how was your day?" Me "Fine"  Eric asks "What'd you do all day?" Me "Nothing"
Yep I need to focus. Well maybe tomorrow.