Another day in Paradise!

Another day in Paradise!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 days off and moving right along

Well here it is day 5 off and still haven't managed to run but let me tell you what I have done.......
As some of you may know I am a jack of all trades. Yessum I am! Well I haven't done any candle making for quite some time but I was able to put down 46 blocks of wax!
Scentsy move over baby my freaking candles are the bomb! I love my soy wax candles. They are so fresh smelling. Today I produced the following scents:
1)Coconut Verbena Lime
2) Strawberry Jam
3) Baby Powder
4) Citrus Sage
5) Mediterranean Fig
MMMMMM my house has a nice mixture of it all. Probably stinks like butt in here but a good smelling one.
I have some scented bears I need to whip out by Thursday to take to Preston for some of my girls over there.
Whew! I was kind of a little busy bee today. I was able to get a fill on the eyelash extensions for one of my clients, took me and the baby to the Dr.'s and that was quite entertaining, whipped out the wickless candles, got my allergy shots, picked up RX's, picked Eric up in Plain City, grabbed dinner, went to Walmart to find some cute cute card stock for my cute cute new idea I'm making for friends for V-Day and I finally got to eat some grub (cold but filling), oh and talked some more to Eric's uncle Todd in Alaska about the Nook I'm going to buy. It is official the Nook Color should hopefully be in my hands by Friday. Holy Moly Macaroni do I have anymore time in this day cause I need about 6 extra hours to squeeze in some watch bands I need to make. Oh well I guess it was an ok day.

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