Another day in Paradise!

Another day in Paradise!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I need to focus

Well here it is January 16th and I haven't really gotten focused like I had anticipated.
Things have been absolutely crazy. But also slowed down alot to the point I'm lost and confused.
So now that life has come to a bit of a stand still I have been focusing on trying to get my hind end in gear and start running again.
Mainly because ummmmm the eating habits have become out of control.
I feel like one of those juicer *thingamajigs* that you just put the food in of large quantities and when you look inside through the clear container there is maybe an ounce of fluid in there. Well I'm believing that is what has happened to me. I put in the food and it is only an ounce in the tummy so I think I need to eat beyond no return.
My ADHD is absolutely running rampant. (as you can tell because I'm jumping from idea to idea anymore). I begin to think I'm going to go run but then I realize I need to go throw a load of laundry in the wash, so I walk into my bedroom and see that my bed isn't made, so I begin to make it and I realize I haven't heard Levi in a minute or two, so I stop making the bed and go look for Levi, I pass him playing in the hallway (which I had past him when I went into make my bed) and decide to load the dishwasher, get the dishes unloaded and start to load the dishes and realize that I haven't got my bonus points for Bejeweled today so I walk over to the computer and log onto FB and see I have a hundred notifications and then I start seeing all the responses I had and just as I click to see what someone wrote on my wall, I notice that Jane Doe's birthday is today, Oh shoot click the back button and see that I have another notification and someone just made a funny post on their status and I just have to respond to that status cause that is some funny junk there. LMAO Whew that girl is one funny chica, ok....where was I? Hmmmm oh look at that picture that Sally Sue just posted "OMG that girl just gets more beautiful with age and look at the wench she is as skinny as all get out...Uh huh!"...Oh that reminds me I was going to go run, I log off and I walk into my bedroom to get my running shoes on and realize I need to finish making my bed, I'm grabbing the pillows off the floor to stack them back on the bed, when I see wrappers on the floor that need to be thrown in the garbage, pick them up and go to walk into the kitchen to throw them away and realize "Hmmmm well maybe the garbage in my bathroom needs to be emptied, heck I will just empty all the garbages now that I'm thinking about it, then I walk into the bathroom and realize that sink is filthy, I throw that wrapper I found on the floor in the garbage and start to clear off the bathroom sink when I notice that Kylee's brush is in my bathroom...thinking to myself "That girl has been in my bathroom I wonder what she stole, I decide I'm going to investigate and go into her room and check to see if she has anything in her bedroom, I walk downstairs and walk into her bedroom when I see a million cups and plates lying around, I pick up the cups and plates and take them upstairs and put them in the sink, when I realize I need to make Levi lunch cause it's lunch time. I go get Levi make him lunch and realize I can finish those dishes I started while he is eating because I don't like leaving him alone while he eats because he might choke. So I make him lunch and realize I've really slacked because here it is 2 p.m. and I'm just getting lunch ready and Eric should be home by 6 so I'll start thawing meat out for dinner while Levi is eating. So I get Levi his lunch and look at the computer and I'm still logged onto FB and I realize oh shoot I haven't got my bonus points from Bejeweled so I sit down and click on Bejeweled and I need to wait 30 more minutes before I can play the bonus round. But look at what Mary Beth posted how cute she got her a new kitten. Ahhhhh! Oh and look at that wench UGH I can't stand that Paris O' she is a pompus biocth I've tried a million times to delete her and she re-requests me! Ugh I wish I was mean enough to just send her a message and tell her that I can't stand her and I know that the only reason why she is even got me on her friends list is so she can LURK and make snide comments behind my back cause everyone she comments to is telling me. Hmmm I want to see these trip pics that she posted with her hubby. Oh look at her thinking she is all hot in that cute outfit she is wearing. Little does she know she has a big old zit on her chin that is oozing with needing to be popped, she thinks she is just the sheetz! Ugh I have to get off her pics cause she makes me sick. Oh wait I can hide her that is what I will do. I will hide her. Go down and hide her. Oh look someone posted they just were offering bonus chips so I'm collecting "Holla".
Oh dang it it's 4:30 Eric should be home. I better get off FB, go run out to the deep freeze and grab so burger (you can throw anything together with ground beef).
Well Eric walks in at 5:15 and asks "So how was your day?" Me "Fine"  Eric asks "What'd you do all day?" Me "Nothing"
Yep I need to focus. Well maybe tomorrow.


Brandi Jo & Nathan said...

Days like this are so eventful yet so not!!! I Love this!
Miss you= B

Mama Stacee said...

I miss you too Brandi. I hope you had an amazing Christmas and New Year's!