Another day in Paradise!

Another day in Paradise!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm getting old & have a goat beard! Seriously but I'm taking care of business!

So, growing up I remember my mother plucking hairs from her chin. I use to think "How gross & how weird".
Well as the saying goes "I've turned into my mother!"
Yep you guessed it.......... I've found myself sitting on my couch with a 10X Magnifying mirror plucking the ungawdly GOAT HAIRS from my chin! WTH I SAY?
Lately I have felt like I'm aging faster than Nascar's driving the INDY 500!
I wake up every morning and look into the mirror and find newly grown hairs on my face, crows feet and a wonderful frown line on my forehead.
I refuse Botox or Surgery on the face, but feel the need to fix this horrible face that is aging beyond it's years (I'm only 38 years young....o.k. ok. o.k.... I will be 39 in April but that doesn't mean I should be looking 90)
So back in December I wake up one morning and find myself in front of the mirror once again..... realizing I'm starting to scare myself on a daily basis by how much I'm beginning to age.
Well my mind starts running and later in the evening I have a client show up to get her eyelash extensions. I asked her to walk into my restroom and wash her makeup off. As I request from all clients. She walks back out and she still has her makeup on and she looks amazing. I tell her politely "Ummm you have to wash it all off, sorry" She tells me "It is all off I have my eyebrows and eyeliner tattooed".
Now my mind is going, this lady is an amazingly beautiful woman and always looks put together, she is probably old enough to be my mother and I have now decided I'm going to tattoo my eyeliner so that I can have the same benefits of being a quarter of the beauty she exudes!
So last week on Saturday I went and got my eyeliner tattooed and I'm absolutely thrilled beyond belief at the difference it has made in the way I wake up looking in the morning.
My hair is standing on end but my eyes are shining! YEE HAW! Best $300 investment I have ever made!~
Now to take care of the goat hairs...... I'm tired of the blotchy beard! Now if it was a full beard that maybe something I may consider but it's patchy.....
So tomorrow or should I say today at 11 a.m. I'm taking my trip to Mindful Women to get my face lasered and remove my facial hair from my face.
Let me tell you, I've had this appointement for 2 weeks and I was told under no uncertain terms am I allowed to wax or pluck!
Hello! What am I suppose to do? Let the damn thing grow out so I can have a ZZ Top I ask?
No honey she says... they have facial razors for women that will not give razor burns.
Well needless to say it's been the longest two weeks of my life not being able to do something about the goat beard but in 10 1/2 hours I will start my first of 6 laser hair removal treatments!
Can you say "Hallaluah" with me! Yee haw!
Stay tuned for my experience of laser hair removal to be posted....
Let us pray together that I don't have a laser malfunction and something goes terribly wrong.  I'm doing my whole face.

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