Another day in Paradise!

Another day in Paradise!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Serious? I really have a little guy that has no supervision

So today is one of those days as usual. I am going non-stop and today is no different than any other day. I sleep for a couple of hours after coming home off grave yard. Take the little monster to daycare and come back to catch a few zzzzzz's before another night of grave yard. But hey no big deal because I'm off this weekend and have lots of plans. Day of watching my 13 yr old in the playoffs, then a rendevous with my hubby on an overnight excursion. It's all good. I can handle tonight even though the sleeping could have been more.
So as you know my hubby and I have very demanding jobs. They are professional jobs that require alot of's all good I can charm with the best of them.
So the hubby man is doing what he does best and is charming those that line our wallets and I'm preparing to get ready to line mine. Well I'm showered half way dressed and the 13 yr old child is off to football. Well I realize the hubby man is not home yet. So I call him and he has lost track of time. He is 3 hrs out by the time he finishes up and I am about to go on duty in 5 minutes. Well the daughter child (18) is not home. But we are still looking at the time. There is plenty of time to get someone here.
Oh and my pretty little neighbor girl loves earning the extra dollars. So I will just call her to run right over and we can get this show on the road. Well my pretty neighbor girl can't do it today. YEP! She is unavailable. I'm like WTH!? So I frantically call my sister that is across town, she doesn't answer. I frantically call the neighbor lady, she is at her part time job! I frantically call my cousin, she is off to the gym. Ok I'm stressing it's getting closer and closer to the time I have to leave. But wait the phone is ringing..... Yay it's my sister.
Me: What you doing?
Her: Brushing my teeth so I can head to my dental appt.
Me: Dang it
Her: Why what did you need?
Me: I don't have a sitter and I have to go on duty in 10 minutes. And no one is here to relieve my motherly duties
Her: I'm just going to the dentist. He can go with and he and the girl niece can play
Me: Oh really? Are you sure? *privately hoping she doesn't say No I really can't*
Her: Yah that's fine.
Me: Can you come get him *cringing because I am depending so much on her to disrupt her busy life*
Her: Yes I will be over in a minute
Me: Ok thanks
Hang up the phone and hear "MOMMY! My tummy hurts! I pooped in my underwears!"
What? are you freaking kidding me? This child hasn't had an accident in a long time! What in the heck am I going to do?
Walk into the bathroom and low and behold the child is sick. He looks like he must have the flu.
OMG! Serious? No daycare, my sister has two children; ages 6 and 6 months and my son might have the flu. Not good. Ok then *pick up the phone and dial my Sgt.*
Me: Sgt *BlanK* Ummm I'm having a bit of an issue a little emergency with my baby. Umm I'm not going to make it in tonight *cringing because I don't ever call in sick*
Sgt. *Blank* Ok have a good night
Me: thanks
Wow...... that easy huh? Well time to clean the child up. Run the bath water and get him in.
Nice, what in the heck am I going to make for dinner?
Dominos.....yep good old fashioned Pizza! YUCK!

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